2012 Yearly Horoscope

Year 2012 Career

You’ve got it going on this year, Leo, as Jupiter continues to reign over your career sector. If you had one shot and opportunity to seize everything you’ve ever wanted, would you not pounce on it? Well, now is your time! It’s all about expanding your perception of what’s possible in 2012. You were born for superstar status, and you know it. So what are you waiting for?

Pluto has taken up residence in your work sector for the long haul, so there’s no new tale to tell on that front. However, it doesn’t mean that the mighty presence of the god of the underworld should be taken lightly! The demands of Pluto are relentless. The need for constant change – and to shed anything that no longer serves you – are its minimum requirements. You’re a constant work-in-progress, so don’t get too comfortable or complacent if you want to remain in good standing. This year is about realizing your true potential.

Saturn will be leaving your communication sector in October, making all your business correspondence and networking tasks that much easier. You’ve learned important lessons about what to say (and what not to say) when it comes to expressing yourself with higher-ups. Now you can apply those lessons to every arena in your life by only using the words that are absolutely necessary to convey your truth. Finally, Mars will be spending an inordinate amount of time in your financial sector this year, forcibly putting you in business mode – like it or not. Think like a mogul and you’ll be amazed at all the new money-making schemes you can manifest in 2012!
Chinese Astrology: Year of the Rabbit

You were one of the smart ones. You didn’t go crazy last night and today you woke up feeling fresh and inspired. If that’s the case, take advantage of your positive attitude and do something good for yourself, like a massage or a mini shopping trip.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ktmckinley
    Jan 01, 2012 @ 20:42:14

    We’ll see if any of this comes true- I love reading horoscopes!!!


  2. Madelaine
    Jan 01, 2012 @ 21:33:37

    Me too……how does Capricorn look? lol


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